Pole mounted fuse switch

Low Tension Fuse Switch

Low Tension Fuse Switch

Low tension fuse switches were designed and manufactured according to the IEC60947-3OFS-4A5 standards. The product is a single pole and single throw type. As it is a non-enclosure fuse switch, it is suitable for outdoor installations and low voltages. The fuse is also highly resistant to short circuits and has an HRC that complies with IEC60269-2-1 standards.

Low Tension Fuse Switch

Volt (V) Ampere (A) IC (kA) BIL (kV)
Catalog number
500 400 80 12 OFS-4A5

1.Metal base is hot dipgalvanize malleable iron

2.One piece porcelain insulator

3.Terminal pad tin plated bronze with two NEMA holes 9/16” for compress type terminal lug

4.Lift ring is hot dip gulvanizeand 26mm diameter forhook sticks

5.Contact is copper withsilver plate

6.Pull ring is hot dip galvanize and 26mmdiameter for hook sticks

7.Stainless steel clamp for HRC fuse


Design and manufacture accordance to IEC60947-3

Suits HRC fuse bolted connections type size B1to B4 and blade contacts type size 0 to 2accordance to IEC 60269-2-1

Single pole – Single throw switch

Rated maximum voltage 500V and 400Amaximum current

Suits NEMA PAD 2 Holes terminal

Suits standard hook-sticks

On-load switching capability
